Saturday, April 4, 2020


1.What are the conventions that make up the genre?

IT Crowd is a British Sitcom that premiered on 2006 contain four series of six episodes which consists of 3 main characters which is Roy, Jen and Moss. The convention that make up the genre is the theme that highlighting about IT (information technology) and computer department. Three of them work at IT department in Reynholm Industries, a fictional British Corporation in London. The surrounding of the company is running gag in the whole series. It is hinted that the Reynholm company is a communication company. Roy and Moss are known as the IT technician in the company. According to Reynholm they are the group of standard nerds which being ignored and underestimated by the other staff. The setting of the story mostly take place in the office located in the basement which known for the IT members. In addition, the character in the IT Crowd is significance as a team of computer person. Roy is a nerdy looking guy that seldom being lazy in doing his job. He is a character that look like a bad guy that seeking for a right woman. While, for Moss he is a second lead character which bring the funny vibes in the story. He is a full mannered person and a work-shy person. The third character in this story is Jen. She is the department head/relationship manager who had know nothing about IT.

2.If the program appears to be a hybrid genre, what are the conventions of the genres that have been combined to make it a hybrid?

For my opinion, IT Crowd obviously we can see that the genre is comedy but if the program appears to be a hybrid genre, basically there is romance in it. The conventions of the romantic genre that have been combined to make it hybrid is we can sense that there is love line between Jen and also with the male character which is Roy. In one scene at season 1, we can see that actually Roy is caring toward Jen when he accompanies her to taxi after they were turned down by their dates.

3.What are audience expectations of that particular genre?

The audience expectation on that particular genre. In my point of view, the audience expect that the fictional genre brings them to experience the office work situation that consist of different people behaviours and social interaction among them.  Plus, the comedy genre that IT Crowd brings give the audience expect that the upcoming episodes will be fill of laughter and comedy.

4.What is the narrative progression? Describe the events.

The narrative progression in IT Crowd can be see in each of them which have a mini narrative arc through this episodes. It takes place in the IT Crowd initiates each of their narrative arcs. The Set-Up that takes place in Friends, is much slower and the backstories are included very subtly but to give enough detail for the audience not to get too confused. We must remember that the very first episode of a new sitcom has a more challenging job to do when setting up the structure. The IT Crowd has an expectation that the returning audience is aware of each of their main character’s personalities. The IT Crowd does not attempt to set-up narratives that will run across series and tries to make them completely self contained. In the Friends episode ‘The One where Monica gets a roommate’ we again see a very simple episodic narrative structure that has a resolution when Monica allows Rachel to move in. The episode also sets up many narrative arcs that will potentially stretch not only across multi-episodes, but seasons and eventually years.

5.How is time presented? Are the events successive? Do they go back and forth in time, or do events occur simultaneously?

They managed to arrange every each season or episodes with a suitable time arrangement because for this task we watched it through Netflix and it more easily to access if we want to watch it. Apart from that, every episodes and season they bring different types of issues or conflict. In every new episodes they have a different content.     

6.What is the lack or disequilibrium and how is the lack removed to restore equilibrium?

The It crowd covering and restore the scenes to make it looks complete without any scenes looks hanging is by replaced their ex-boss (MR. Denholm Reynhold) with his son. And to make it more balance, while waiting to make a replacement during the funeral they also brought the new character during that time to replaced Mr.Boss.

7.Is there a hero or heroin and a villain or villainy? How is the hero or villain represented? What are their actions, and how can their personalities be derived from their actions? Does the hero or villain have superior abilities?

The hero in IT Crowd can be seen at Roy, Moss and Jen. Negative One, the challenger to Moss in the 8+ group, is identified as the villain who challenges one our heroes. The villain is not evil or extreme like in some genres such as dramas and thrillers and he is used purely for humorous effect.The three characters; Roy, Moss and Jen alter routinely inside each account bend, taking on the part of helpers, for each other to supply counsel and inspiration to their next action. Prime may be a more obvious helper in his to begin with interaction with Moss and after that he rapidly gets to be the sidekick flabbergasted by Moss’ intelligence. No, the hero does not have hero and villain have superior abilities.

8.How does conflict play out? Are there oppositions such as goods and evils, legal and illegal, work and home, and/or masculine and feminine?

The conflict in narrative comes in many forms. “Man versus man” maybe between Roy and his boss. But, traditionally conflict is a major element of narrative or dramatic structure that creates challenges in a story by adding uncertainty to if the goal would be achieved. Conflicts may not always resolve in narrative, the resolution of a conflict creates closure or fulfillment. In the sitcom, the conflict occurs when the company loss their boss and the conflict started when they try figure out who will be the next boss after Mr Reynolm. The closure towards this conflict is when his son appears at the funeral and automatically he is the next superior.

9.Is there closure or delay until the next episode? How is this presented?

There is no delay until the next episode. Each episode provide a fresh and new stories. Plus, they does not let the audience leave hanging. As at the end of the episodes IT Crowd will portrays every delayed scene that left the audience hanging.

10.Identify the stages of hermeneutic code- enigma, delay and resolution- that move the narrative forward. Can you identify the enigma, delay and resolution or several of them in the narrative?

Enigma can be defined as a puzzle or question in the narrative that the audience want to find out for example in one scene of IT Crowd that will Roy ever prove to Alistair he is not a window cleaner as he is work at basement as IT worker. The other example of enigma is what happens to Richmond, why he ends up at the “RED DOOR” like a vampire but actually he is a Goth. The Delay is when Roy and Moss prohibit Jen to enter the room like something terrible is in the room. The resolution of the Red Door case is when Jen can enter the room after Roy stuck under the other employee desk and Moss is helping him and Jen has a conversation to Richmond freely afterwards.

11.Are there elements of older stories that are retold in the narrative?

Based on the episode there are presence of older stories elements which is the computer is the old model and Roy used reel-to-feel-tape recording to answer customers phone call whenever they asked for helped.

12.Can you identify myths? Do the myths give lessons for social order?

Myth can be identified as a folklore genre consisting of narratives or stories that play a fundamental role in society. The main characters in myths are usually gods, demigods or supernatural human. Social order term can be used in two senses. In the first sense, it refers to customs and the second sense is referring to a stable state of society in which the existing social structure that already being accepted.  I do believe myths give lesson for social order is because myths are a live experience and not a static structure. Each person and each society experience with myth in a specific way so for me myths give lesson in its own way of interpretation.

13.Are there archetypes and rituals in the narrative? If so, how do they relate to the myths?

The archetypes and rituals in the narrative is about the life of working people. As we know that most people are busy working during the day and their life are frequently spend at the office. That is why they get along and socialize among themselves . However, I cannot relate the story to the myths as their social life is too realistic.

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