Tuesday, March 12, 2019

PSA 2 Column Script

Topics : PRK Campaign
Duration : 00:30-2:00

A young man named Ali that can vote for the first time want to make a preparation before going to the voting place tomorrow. Considering that Ali don’t have experience, he had search the internet to find the do’s and don’t during voting. The next day, Ali get ready to go for voting. He follows all the step and rules that he get from the Internet from the beginning until he settle voting.    

Audio:  (what do we hear?)

Narrator: This boy named Ali and this year is his first time to go voting for PRK (Pilihan Raya Kecil).

Narrator: Before go for voting, Ali had do some research about do’s and don’t during voting. He had found five important rules that he must follow.

Narrator: On the vote day, the first rule is Ali had dress up nicely and  not wear clothes that have a party logo. This is because it an offense and can be fined up to RM5000 and may be imprisoned for a year if found guilty.

Narrator: Next, during voting, do not ever play the phone as it is to avoid any leakage of  information. You are likely to be driven away if doing so because the care system is very tight.

Narrator: After that, you will receive two types of ballot papers namely Parliament and State Legislative Assembly. Each draw should be a single mark and make sure it is 'X' in the box provided.

Narrator: Next, do not take it out and enter the ballot paper because you can be accused of making a lot of votes. Under Section 3 (1) of the Election Offenses Act 1954, you may be jailed for up to two years and be liable to a fine not exceeding RM5000 if found guilty.

Narrator: Lastly, after making a draw, be sure to leave the polling station immediately. Waiting for someone around 50 meters from the polling station is against the law. You can be punished for a year jail and fined up to RM5000 if found guilty.

Narrator: So, Ali has done his job as a voter perfectly. How about you?

Video: (what do we see?)

Medium Close-up: Ali waving hand while smile to the camera

Medium Close-up: Shows Ali is playing his handphone.

Extreme Close-up: Shows the do’s and don’t while voting  that Ali search at his handphone.

Medium Shot: Ali is preparing with a neat and appropriate dress.

Medium close-up: Shows Ali is playing handphone during queue.

Close-up: Ali shook his head while look to the camera.

Medium shot: Ali had enter the a room and get ready to make a vote.

Extreme Close-up: Shows how Ali tick correctly at the ballot papers.

Medium Shot; Shows Ali enter and exit the ballot paper from the vote room.
Close-up: Ali shook his head while look to the camera.

Medium Shot: Shows Ali exit the vote room and just keep going to his vehicle.

Medium Close-up: Ali shows thumb up and smile to the camera while sitting in his car.

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