Thursday, March 28, 2019

Activity 3 : Script for Feature Horror
Name : Muhammad Aidil Afif Bin Mohd Yasir
Date   : 26/3/2019
Title   : The Mistic
Duration : 30 minutes


1. H - INTRO Episode
Peace be upon you and please to meet you. We meet again in The Mistic show on TV10. Speaking of these subtle creatures will certainly make us feel frightened that the hairs are straightforward to hear them.
In this show, we will choose interesting mysterious stories on our website that have been shared by the people out there.
In this episode, I Aidil Afif as your host will go to an individual home known as Aina to meet her and interview the horror stories she had ever experienced while working in Japan. Right now, we are on the the way to Aina’s house.
[SUPER DATE: FRIDAY, 1 Mac 2019]
[SUPER TITLE: Horror Experiences In Japan]

Well we've got to Aina's house now. So, are you all ready to hear  the horror stories Aina has ever experienced while working in Japan? If you're all ready, come on!

4. H: INTRO GOS + DISCUSS TOPIC – Aina’s background in Japan
Well now we are in the aina house and without wasting our time will continue our agenda. Well, then we'll ask a bit about Aina's background when she's in Japan.

[SUPER GOS = Aina / The Guest]             
[SUPER TOPIC =  Aina’s background in Japan]

1.  When did you go to Japan?
2.  How long you stay at Japan ?
3.  Where and with who did you stay at Japan  ?
4.  What actually yo do at Japan?
*insert playback to support the interview

5. T : What  is actually happen to Aina in Japan ?
After this, we will hear from Aina what is the mystery that happen to her while she stay at Japan. Do not go anywhere.

6. VX:  + 7. [BUMPER OUT]


Welcome back to The Mistic where your horror story will be tell to the world. We have listened a little bit about Aina’s background when she at Japan so now we will hear what is the horror things that happen to Aina.

10. H: DISCUSS TOPIC – What is actually the mystery happen to Aina at Japan?
I’m very interested to hear from Aina what is actually happen to her and I also believe that the audience also interested right?  
So we will continue with our guest experience today.

[SUPER TOPIC: What is actually happen to Aina in Japan  ?]
QUESTION –  Aina / The Guest
1. What is the mystery things that happen to you?
2. Where the mystery things happen?
3. What actually you do at that place?
4. Are you alone at that time?
*insert playback to support the interview

11. T: What is Aina action?
What happened after Aina saw the spiritual things and what is Aina’s action after that, we will continue after this. Don’t go anywhere.




Welcome back to The Mistic where your horror story will be tell to the world. We have listened to Aina story about what is actually happen to her at Japan and now we will hear what Aina’s action.

14. H: DISCUSS TOPIC – What is Aina’s action?
I’m very interested to hear from Aina what is actually happen to her and I also believe that the audience also interested right?  

So we will continue with our guest experience today.

[SUPER TOPIC: What is Aina action  ?]
QUESTION –  Aina / The Guest
1. What did you do after saw the spiritual things?
2. How do you feel at that time?
3. Did anyone help you?
4. What is the appearance of the spiritual things?
5. How did you get home after that?
*insert playback to support the interview

15. T : What is the solution when you in the situation?
What is actually you must do when you see or disturb by the spiritual things? What is the best solution? We will hear it after this so, stay tuned.



Thank you for those who still with me in The Mistic, where your horror story will be tell to the world.

*Aidil Afif  to remind viewers to contribute their inputs via our social media

*Aidil Afif  to recap the important info that had been discussed. And get the guests to drop last words.

QUESTION  – Aina / The Guest
1. What actually you do after you saw the spirits?
2. How you relax yourself after saw the spirits?
3. What is your advice to audiences?
*Aidil Afif to thank the guests and The Mistic viewers etc + Remind viewers to watch the show again on The Mistic and rerun every FRIDAY, 11.00pm on TV10.

19. T: TOPIC / GOS NEXT WEEK - The horror story of a girl that study at German.
Next week, a girl that study in German will share her experiences disturbed by the spirits. Do not forget to be with us at the same day and time.
I’m Aidil Afif, The Mistic, where your horror story will be tell to the world.  Assalamualaikum, Bye!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

MUHAMMAD AIDIL AFIF BIN MOHD YASIR                                        MC243
Script news : Politics
Title : Free parking, Melaka is expected to cost RM2 million a year
Treatment : The Melaka state government expects revenue shortfall of about RM2 million a year after the exemption of parking fees involving 27,880 parking lots under the administration of four local authorities (PBTs) in the state.

AIDIL AFIF, AWATNI ANCHOR : Hello everybody. Welcome to Awatni politics news. I’m Aidil Afif  with politics news this hour. 
The Melaka state government expects revenue shortages of about RM2 million a year after the exemption of parking fees in the state on Saturday and Sunday starting June 15.
Melaka Housing, Local Government and Environment Exco, Tey Kok Kiew said it involved 27,880 parking lots under the administration of four local authorities (PBTs) in the state.
However, he said, the lack of collection is unlikely to have a significant impact on the state's revenue if spending measures are to be implemented effectively.
[12:00:30] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)
TEY KOK KIEW : "The car park parking exemption initiative initially implemented in the administrative area of ​​the Melaka Historical City Council involves tourism or urban areas, but it is then expanded in three other local administrations in the state.
"It is a promise by the state government under the leadership of Pakatan Harapan in the last 14th General Election to ease the burden of the people as well as the government's responsibility for the people," he told reporters after launching free parking on Saturday, Sunday and Jasin Municipal Public Holidays (MPJ), here, today.
AIDIL AFIF : He said last year the collection of vehicle parking fees in the state amounted to RM6.68 million involving three districts under the control of four PBTs in the state.
According to him, the highest revenue collection was in the Melaka Historical City Council (MBMB) area of ​​RM4.2 million followed by Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council (RM2 million), Alor Gajah Municipal Council (RM258,945) and MPJ (RM221,787)
TEY KOK KIEW : "The highest number of parking lots is in the MBMB area of ​​14,116 parcels followed by MPHTJ (8,497 parcels), MPJ (3,055 parcels) and MPAG (2,212 parcels)
AIDIL AFIF : He said of the total of 27,880 parking lots in the state, 6,021 were located in tourist areas while 21,859 squares were in the common areas.
[12:02:00] (END VIDEO CLIP)


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

PSA 2 Column Script

Topics : PRK Campaign
Duration : 00:30-2:00

A young man named Ali that can vote for the first time want to make a preparation before going to the voting place tomorrow. Considering that Ali don’t have experience, he had search the internet to find the do’s and don’t during voting. The next day, Ali get ready to go for voting. He follows all the step and rules that he get from the Internet from the beginning until he settle voting.    

Audio:  (what do we hear?)

Narrator: This boy named Ali and this year is his first time to go voting for PRK (Pilihan Raya Kecil).

Narrator: Before go for voting, Ali had do some research about do’s and don’t during voting. He had found five important rules that he must follow.

Narrator: On the vote day, the first rule is Ali had dress up nicely and  not wear clothes that have a party logo. This is because it an offense and can be fined up to RM5000 and may be imprisoned for a year if found guilty.

Narrator: Next, during voting, do not ever play the phone as it is to avoid any leakage of  information. You are likely to be driven away if doing so because the care system is very tight.

Narrator: After that, you will receive two types of ballot papers namely Parliament and State Legislative Assembly. Each draw should be a single mark and make sure it is 'X' in the box provided.

Narrator: Next, do not take it out and enter the ballot paper because you can be accused of making a lot of votes. Under Section 3 (1) of the Election Offenses Act 1954, you may be jailed for up to two years and be liable to a fine not exceeding RM5000 if found guilty.

Narrator: Lastly, after making a draw, be sure to leave the polling station immediately. Waiting for someone around 50 meters from the polling station is against the law. You can be punished for a year jail and fined up to RM5000 if found guilty.

Narrator: So, Ali has done his job as a voter perfectly. How about you?

Video: (what do we see?)

Medium Close-up: Ali waving hand while smile to the camera

Medium Close-up: Shows Ali is playing his handphone.

Extreme Close-up: Shows the do’s and don’t while voting  that Ali search at his handphone.

Medium Shot: Ali is preparing with a neat and appropriate dress.

Medium close-up: Shows Ali is playing handphone during queue.

Close-up: Ali shook his head while look to the camera.

Medium shot: Ali had enter the a room and get ready to make a vote.

Extreme Close-up: Shows how Ali tick correctly at the ballot papers.

Medium Shot; Shows Ali enter and exit the ballot paper from the vote room.
Close-up: Ali shook his head while look to the camera.

Medium Shot: Shows Ali exit the vote room and just keep going to his vehicle.

Medium Close-up: Ali shows thumb up and smile to the camera while sitting in his car.

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