Saturday, May 9, 2020

Pengarah Filem Dari Perak Darul Ridzuan

TASK 6 : Auteur Criticism

Auteur in French means author. Auteur has its own individualistic criteria that is unique that make them different than the others. Their masterpiece has its own artistic value in it and the auteur creates their story with their own creativity through mise-en-scene.

The popular director that I have choose is Mamat Khalid. He is a director that have their own identity as an author. In his film, His aesthetic style in most of his film are similar due to the themes he addressed and he also often address the similar themes which is a village life style. For example, in Zombi Kampung Pisang, he portray the life of a community who lived in Perak. . Every sounds that he played are the legendary sounds or music used which make people remind of the 90s songs. Besides, in film Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah also used the same concept of 90s songs and the the Perak dialect. He often loved to address a similar theme in all his film which is comedy and closely ties with the community. The frequent collaborators in his film is Sofi Jikan for 8 years, Usop Wilcha has being a great collaborators for 7 years. The miss-en-scene in his film is the concept that always he used which is around 90s concept and a community who live in village such as in film Zombi Kampung Pisang and Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah.

MAMAT KHALID TASK 6 : Auteur Criticism Auteur in French means author. Auteur has its own individualistic criteria that is uniq...